Friday, February 25, 2011

Lottery Buy #21 (02/25/11)

Here are the tickets for Buy #21:

Winning numbers are:
04 19 17 05 50 Mega 07

Results: Won $6

YTD Winnings: $30

Lottery Buy #20 (02/18/11)

Here are the tickets for Buy #20:

Winning Numbers are:
45 30 05 06 07 Mega 42

Results: No winners

YTD Winnings $24

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lottery Buy #19 (02/11/11)

Here are the tickets for Buy #19:

Winning numbers are:

32 08 34 17 09 Mega 13

Results: Won $2

YTD Winnings: $24

Lottery Buy #18 (02/04/11)

Here are the tickets for Buy #18:

Winning numbers for 02/04/11 are:

06 29 55 48 20 Mega 06

Results: Won $5

YTD Winnings: $22

Yippee. If no one objects I'll roll the winnings over for an additional week of Mega Millions or I can also buy scratchers. I may do an email poll as only a very small percentage of the club actually visits this blog.

Lottery Buy #17 (01/28/11)

Here are the tickets for Buy #17:

Winning numbersfor 01/28/11 are:

33 48 50 49 14 Mega 18

Results: No winners

YTD Winnings: $17

Lottery Buy #16 (01/21/11)

Hey guys, sorry for the long absence. Thought I had posted these, but turned out I scanned and never uploaded.

Here are the tickets for Buy #16:

Winning numbers for 01/21/11 are:
21 35 05 09 38 Mega 20

Results: No Winners

YTD Winnings: $17